Cath Stockbridge, Artist

Welcome All !  


watercolor landscape painting
Back Road With Dog    Watercolor     12 x 18
pointillist painting
Thirteen Geese    Oil     20 x 24
pastel landscape painting
Rowing, Mist On Lake     Pastel     12 x 18
Portrait examples

My Art Resume

Xavier's Page

US flag

Send e-mail
CskeezixSales AT Gmail Dot Com ... or to Info
Info AT CStockbridgeDot Com

photo of artist This page is updated whenever the artist finds some time. Page last modified August 18, 2024.
802 - 254-2582
All rights reserved.

All images, be they artwork, graphics, or photography, (unless otherwise noted on specific web pages) are copyrighted by the artist. No use is permitted without express written permission.
Name superimposed on digital images does not appear on original artwork.
